Nuevo Renacer, El Salvador

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I have to start with the land

So, the bottom photo is the road into Nuevo Rencer in March and the 2nd photo is 2 weeks ago. Yea, so March and October are pretty different in El Sal.

In the states, we recognize seasonal differences as an opportunity to celebrate holidays and a excuse to buy new clothes. When we drive everywhere in our cars, stay inside most of the time and own gortex suits for the times we choose to be out in it, the seasons don't mean a lot.

In El Salvador, the seasons mean the difference between life and death. For farmers, water is the key to financial health and to a village with no running water yet, the hand of God via those puffy cumulus clouds is imperative. And yet, the villagers seem to so often takes things with an accepting grace, rather than forcing their will on the situtaion.

It rained on our first day of work and pretty much put work to a halt. But so much happened while we got so little done! We crowded into homes, hung out and waited for the storm to pass. It was one of the best times of connecting. Rosa taught some of us how to make tortillas from scratch and we met Mariposa, the precious gift goat. Carlitos showed me his room and eventually we all just talked on the front porch as the rains slowed. There was no getting around it, no umbrellas or rain boots --just a natural pause in the work caused by the hand of God.

Maybe next time it rains really hard in Portland, invite a friend over for tea and just take the time to enjoy the moment. I bet something special will happen that you would have never expected from such "wasted" time.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

home . . .


say a picture says a thousand words. Well let's hope that is true and can tide you all over until I get some time to put my thoughts together.

In short, I heart El Salvador.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

words to live and work by . . .

Beautiful is the moment in which we understand that we are no more than an instrument of God; we live only as long as God wants us to live; we can do only as much as God makes us able to; we are only as intelligent as God would have us be.

- Archbishop Oscar Romero, from his last homily, March 23, 1980

Romero was the Archbiship in El Salvador that spoke loudly for the poor. He was murdered during mass in 1980 and is considered by many the straw that broke the camel's back and began the war in El Salvador in the 80's. So thie words carry the truth of someone that has lived them out to their fullest extent.


“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 5:3

I don't think this can truly be understood until one has spent some time with the poor. That can be in El Salvador or just outside Portland. But it never ceases to amaze me how people who struggle so dearly for the smallest things, have a joy, a kindness, a patience that I may never obtain in all my life. And their small village has a sense of community and home that actually draws me to return again and again to experienece the fullness of that community.

Now, I don't want to paint this too simply, there are many weapons of poverty: alcohol, drugs, abuse, illiteracy, hopelessness, etc. These things weigh down on the people in Nuevo Renacer as much as any place and we do see a small evidence of their presence when we visit.

And yet, despair has not consummed these people. Instead they move forward; they toil; they laugh; they thank God for what He has provided thus far. And with thankful spirits they are satisfied with the day. And whenever I am in El Salvador this is something I study and I ask God to increase in me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

land is cool

Land--- an important piece of the road out of poverty for folks in Central America. Every time I glance the horizon in El Salvador, I am so amazed at how beautiful this place is and how hard it will be to get where the villagers are heading. And then I am impressed again by their commitment to a new future for their familes. Pretty awesome.

These two pictures are of pretty much the same spot from October to March. Yea, so rain makes a big difference.

tin can sweet home

Each family has a small red plot number indicating their land and their future. Each time I saw one of these numbers I was touched by there deep significance. Each little cement piece was a physical reminder of homes being built, water to come, crops grown and a future with hope. That is pretty cool for a tiny number.

So, our goal was to build about 20 of these homes. Well, this one was done when we left. ;) And lots of frames where ready for the house building process. We thought the metal would be hot, but Dr. Angel's daughter designed them with natural ventilation and the sun actually reflected away from the metal. So they were quite cool. Goes to show what I know!

jocelyn is my friend

Well, Jocelyn calls us the "dos gorditos" which means 2 pigs. Not exactly the best start to a friendship . . . And yet we find a way to have more fun than two people that speak different languages should! She is strong and funny and I am so excited to see her again soon.

kids are cute -- REALLY cute

I could pretty much paste these pages with TONS of pictures of beautiful, intelligent, funny, sweet, wonderful children from the village, but here are just a few. Gavi & Kevin are two of the kids that I connect with most in the village. They are very shy and introverted, but when they smile it is simply amazing. I cannot tell you how cool it is to simply watch these kids grow healthier, bigger, smarter simply because of the opportunity for stability the Agros model offers. And I cannot wait to see what happens when these kids are grown. I am so thankful that we get to keep returning to this village and walk along side these lil peanuts for many more years.

the universal languages

OK, so anyone
that has ever travelled anywhere outside the US knows that soccer is pretty much the world sport. And once again the soccer game between our team and El Sal was a highlight. And yet, each time I get to be a part of one these games, I am still touched by the ability of the playing field to make all men equals. It's simple really: two teams, a hand full of rules and a black & white ball. And yet the connection that happens between the guys is simply amazing! There is a pride that comes out in the villagers that we rarely see and a joy in the entire community. I'm just glad I'm good with a camera and I get to be team photographer rather than kill myself running that field!

Equally, song has the ability to cross all barriers. Panteleone kept his promise from trip 1 and wrote a song in honor of Agros and the work we are all doing together. Gerry even made his way into the song by name. It was a beautiful gift that each of us will value for a long time.

my team

Each trip there is a unique opportunity to find yourself a world away from home with 20 other folks. We all vary in age, occupation, style, temperment, etc. and yet each trip we join together to go serve a tiny community in rural El Salvador. And as we journey together through language challenges, sweat, hatred of early morning roosters, fear of the La Esperanza road, etc., we become a family. Short-lived and yet so sweet. And the nice part is that we remain connected through the church and through the years, as only those on a mission together can share. I feel blessed to know each one of the folks in these photos and I only hope one day you will be in one of these photos as well!